UNAS is on the way!!

UNAS, stands for Ujian Nasional, might be a real "horror" experience and "nightmare" for students in Indonesia,,

Especially for me!! Arggghhh.. I'm getting frustrated b 'cos of this.. 5,4,3!! 3 days left!!, and i'm still not ready for it,,

Hhaahhaa.. if this test won't be a multiple choice test, then I should be a lot CRAZIER than this time like the picture above (*_*)!! But,, the thing that annoying me so much these days is the way to make a circle on the answer sheet "the homophone of sh*t" (uppss... sorry) , i'm afraid if i will make something or even everything wrong on it,,

So,, untuk membuat diriku lebih tenang,, ad beberapa trik jitu !! :

1. Berdoa setiap hari mohon bimbingan untuk belajar
2. Belajar jangan di tempat tidur, or that worst air conditioner will blow you up , and, up, high to the land of dream.. *_^
3.The most important thing, small but the effect is big called "pencil" sharpen it at your home before going to school..
4. Sesampainya di sekolah, tenangkan hati,pikiran,dan tangan agar siap tempur jam 8nya!!
5. Before the bell ring, spend a little time in the toilet *you must know it*
6. Jawaban dan soal dibagi, bedoalah!! Mohon bimbingan Tuhan
7. Kerjakan soal dan isi data dulu
8. Jangan lupa priksa jawaban yang sekiranya belum "fit"
9. Jika diawali dengan doa, maka akhiri pula dengan doa, dan pasrahkan segalanya pada Tuhan..

and, another advices for you : keep your hand clean, and do not write anything above your answer sheet, karena ljk (embar jawaban komputer) yang lungset, rusak, dan kotor ga akan terbaca di komputer (dasar, teknologi masa kini...)

so, there's nothing else i can say*gaga holic* .. fighting for this UNAS that makes you scream!! Ganbatte....


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