Today's holiday = internet addict mode : on !!

Today is a holiday, isn't it?? But unfortunately this holiday won't be a long and relaxing holiday!!

'cause something frightening is in front of us, guys.. That is " UNAS" yep2.. (congratulation for my seniors who just finished their UNAS, and wish me luck,please!!) but, me as a "slightly cunning student" won't waste these 2 days holiday badly ..

Hahhaha... and, lucky me!! because today's internet connection isn't as horrible as yesterday ,, SO, i'm now using it with a song in my heart "lalalalalaala" means that i'm in a good condition.. and the friendship between me and my computer will last longer than before.. Wk3( Indonesian way to express their happiness , LMAO )

I've a social PLURK ( something to communicate like twitter but more interesting) , but i kinda busy with Facebook (we are having a business recently.. (kid*_*ding)) , so i've never updated my plurk!!

and, guess what?? today i'm in a good mood to check my plurk, my facebook, and also my lovely blog!! so, when i opened my plurk this morning, i felt like strangers in their own villages.. 'Cause it has been too long since the last time i checked my plurk (my bad..)

and ,, because I want to be someone who are "exist" in everywhere internet's society.. I plurk , and plurk, and also invited some friends to be my followers (^_^) but ,, besides, i also want to look the differences between plurk and other societies ..

Guys, don't forget to add me or follow me on my plurk!! click the link from the link lists at the corner of my blog

Keep in touch with me!!


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